“The Record Keeper”

Original Not for Sale

Born January 28, 2023

Dimensions: 12 in. X 18 in

All artwork by Katrina Loos is protected by copyright. Please do not screenshot, print, or repost art to any other website, app, or page without written permission from artist Katrina Loos directly.

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Artist Notes

Intuition is a powerful compass.

When Whale arrives as your Spirit Animal, it’s often during a time of emotional or physical duress in which you’ve lost your sense of self. In fact, Whale is the ideal Spirit Animal for such times. Consider how Whales withstand the pressure of the ocean, but never stays down too long. Come time to breathe, Whale bursts joyfully forth, accepting that renewing air; this is the gift Whale offers – the ability to “cope” and function in highly pressurized situations until you can come up for air and reclaim your inspiration and clarity.

Another aptitude Whale provides is an intimate sense of biorhythms on more than just a physical level. When you still yourself and listen to the beating of your heart – that life-giving rhythm is like the identifying sounds Whale uses to identify their pod in nature. Whale asks, “What does your heart tell you?”

The sphere below the albino alligator is called Titan, one of Saturn’s 83 moons. The rainbow sphere at the top is a topography of the Earth’s Moon NASA took in 1992. In general, Alligator symbolism reminds us to look for opportunities to ingest new knowledge and wisdom.

Whales (like the one in the eye) are symbolic, divine creatures of great wisdom. “Whales are the planet’s record keeper of all time. As a totem, the whale teaches you about listening to your inner voice, understanding the impact your emotions have on your everyday life, and following your own truth.” — @spiritanimal.info

When you tap into Ajna Chakra (Third Eye chakra, the space between your eyebrows), you start corresponding with the pineal gland, the seat of intuitive knowledge. According to Swami Satyananda Saraswati in the book Kundalini Tantra, Ajna Chakra “ is the connecting link between the lowest unconscious seat of power in the highest center of illumination within the individual.”

The power of an intuitive mind answered questions I didn’t want answered. Because I knew the answers. So why did I need confirmation of that which I knew? To feel. The messages become clear when I began listening. Welcoming whispers of wisdom from ancient secrets my spirit has forever known, bounded together in yoga.

Whale Spirit records the earth’s history from all corners of creation. For seekers this means that Whale energy aids in tapping our ancestral DNA and unlock the mysteries that lie there. Whale also lifts our spirits, swimming through the spheres to reach the Akashic records and open the book of self, particularly for understanding our emotions and what affects them deeply.

Whale calls us to wake up and realize that there is more to our reality than what we know through our physical senses. Traveling with the Whale beneath the waters of our consciousness opens another world in our awareness

The crocodile symbolizes character, patience, and hard work. Before a crocodile catches, it can wait up to a whole day. The crocodile is a symbol of a kind of life, that is based on the decisions that you make. It suggests you should have a personality that attracts the right choices. It suggests you should be patient and virtue will come your way. If you trust your methods, you can achieve your targets and reach the destinations you want to go to..

The crocodile is a symbol of determination and this determination should be the core value of life.


Lady of Overthinking (SOLD)