Welcome to this side of the woods.

Katrina Loos is a handcut paper collage artist.

Creating under the moniker Loos Art, Katrina’s collage work is a tribute to the resilience of the human spirit. Through expressionism and surrealism, her intuitive approach to analog collage allows her to create compositions designed to vibrate the subconscious. Katrina's collages are passionate and emotive, reflecting the complexities of the human experience and the joy of integrity and transformation. In every collage, she encourages viewers to embrace their authenticity. Through her art, Katrina invites viewers to embrace their own emotions and find freedom, solace, and adventure in the exploration of their inner universes.

“I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way — things I had no words for.”

— Georgia O’Keefe


“Collage enables me to make new meanings from the old, discarded, and abandoned.”

— Miranda Millward